Peregrine Equipment may be a newer name (est. 2012), but it’s already making waves among campers and backpackers who want reliable gear without the sky-high price tag. The brand was started by a team of avid adventurers at the foot of Utah’s Wasatch Mountains, founded on the idea that quality outdoor gear should be accessible to all. From tents and sleeping bags to packs and camp kitchen kits, Peregrine designs thoughtfully engineered equipment that they’d happily recommend to their own friends. They never skimp on materials or features – the goal is to spend less time fiddling with gear and more time enjoying the view (hence their meticulous focus on easy setup tents, efficient camp stoves, etc.). The Peregrine crew truly believes wild places lead to a happy life, and their wide range of gear welcomes everyone to find their place outdoors. With a blend of mountain-born know-how and genuine passion, Peregrine delivers tough, no-nonsense gear that you can count on when you’re out chasing sunsets and campfire stories.